Sunday, November 27, 2011

Misfit by Jon Skovron

Released: August 1st, 2011
Pages: 384
Publisher: Harry M. Abrams
Rating: 4.5/5

I really enjoyed reading Misfit; it was great. At some point in a person's life, they feel like they don't quite fit in. The same thing apply's for Jael, she know very well that she doesn't fit in with other teenagers her age. The plot of this story was amazing. I love the unique perspective on demons that Skovron had; just that had me flipping pages rapidly. The setting of the book was quite interesting; a half demon at a Catholic school. One thing i wish had happened in the plot, especially towards the end was that it had been a bit more developed. I loved the idea's but felt that some thing were rushed a bit.

I really enjoyed the characters. I wish some of the characters like Father Aaron had played a bigger role. I really enjoyed his character. Jack was quite a lot of fun - for the smaller role he played I thought he was great. Rob was quite the charmer as well. I loved Jael's confidence she had throughout the book. She really grew as a character with each chapter. 

I loved this book a lot, in fact I'd recommend it to everyone. I fell in love with the characters and the story. 


  1. I really want to pick this up, but I can't seem to find in anywhere!

  2. Really? Try amazon, they carry everything!
